My name is Simon Warui, STEM STAFF CBD CU’S. I am born-again and I love the Lord. Thus far, God has been faithful.
Reminiscing about my STEM journey, I’m astonished at how time has flown; it seems as recent as yesterday when I joined. I can say that this has been a period of tremendous growth in all the spheres of my life. It has been a period of perfect submission; stepping aside and letting God take the lead in my life and in the lives of others. My greatest joy has been to see students’ leaders grow in their walk with the Lord and sharpen their leadership skills. Hosting students and hearing their stories was indeed a great moment for me throughout my year in STEM. I remain puzzled at how God has used people I know, and those I didn’t know or even met before to support me and encourage me through my STEM journey. Indeed, my trust in God has been elevated.
I thank God for the chance he gave me to serve as a STEM Staff, like never before, my leadership skills have been enhanced, my interpersonal skills strengthened, and my values such as integrity, accountability, excellence, honesty among others have been edified.
I pray that God will continue to bless FOCUS-Kenya and continue to provide for His work amongst students. I also pray that God will bless FOCUS givers, who are committed to supporting the great work that FOCUS is doing amongst students.
It was a great honor and privilege to be a partaker of the STEM program, I thank God for allowing me to have a taste of how full-time ministry is like.