My name is Joseph Mbugua. I have been the STEM staff with the University of Kabianga and Kabianga Kapkatet Campus Christian Unions.
When joining STEM, I had great expectations for personal growth and development. In retrospection, I am amazed at the enormous transformation I have undergone. My mindset, attitudes, and perspectives concerning life have been challenged and changed. My leadership skills have also been honed through interactions with students and other staff.
Having students visit the stem house and visiting them in their rooms was a highlight for me. One-on-ones were my best engagements. This has fulfilled my desire for student mentorship and helped me cultivate friendships that will outlive my time in STEM. I thought I had given God one year only to realize God had given me this one to experience Him.
I have learnt very valuable virtues including integrity and accountability. My Interpersonal skills, public speaking skills, and resource mobilization skills have been developed and I have refined professionalism this very year.
Serving with young people has deepened my convictions in mentorship. The burden to walk with them and be involved in their life as they nurture their gifts and talents to serve the Lord has been consistent in my heart.
My prayer to the students is for them to lead a godly life that will evangelize to others on campus. To all my partners, may the Lord richly bless you and fill your barns. May the Lord bless FOCUS Kenya to impact more lives.
Joseph Mbugua was devoted to the service of God. He was a great example to many. Through his ministerial work he has left a great mark in impacting lives of students. I hope he will continue serving in student ministry to continue blessing many lives.