My name is Sheila Mwende, the STEM Staff for Maseno CU’s.
I joined the STEM program first with the fear of meeting the seemingly high expectations. However, I expected growth as I had witnessed from my predecessors.
The STEM journey has equipped me and helped me realize that I am in a lifetime of service for the Lord. My perspective towards ministry has been changed, which has also influenced my worldview in various aspects of life. I have grown and had a reflective time of self-discovery. I have also gained values such as integrity, spiritual disciplines, and faithfulness to scriptures. It is ultimately fair to state that, ”I did not give God one year, but God gave me this one year.”
STEM created opportunities to appreciate and improve my technological competencies, especially during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provided an avenue to gain experiences in leadership skills, public speaking, organizational skills, and communication.
One of the exciting moments in STEM was the one-on-one sessions with girls at Maseno and how we built a rapport that resulted in transformational conversations. I enjoyed sleepovers since they created the opportunity for open conversations that were meaningful and reflective to both myself and the students. Engaging the CU executive members and students through reading the entire Bible, was also exciting.
I wish to pass my sincere gratitude to the students at Maseno CU, and Kisumu CU’s for their great support and granting me the chance to serve God in their space, my STEM supporters for their committed financial giving and prayers and FOCUS fraternity for the opportunity to join STEM. My prayer is that may the Lord bless you and continue to keep you and may the Lord bless FOCUS-Kenya.