I am Andrew Malele a graduate of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) with a Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Having been raised in a God-fearing family, I used to attend the church and actively take part in church activities. From a tender age, I attended Sunday school sessions. When I was of age, I joined the youth ministry in my church, partook in most activities in the ministry, and took part in every youth program within the ministry and neighboring churches. This continued for years until when I was done with my primary school education, where my life took a transformative direction in the walk of faith.
It was not until one day, during the usual Sunday service, that the sermon delivered was so deeply felt in my heart. I was uniquely touched and challenged to reconsider my salvation status. I made a step of faith and confessed Christ as my Lord since I had never done that ever since I started attending church. This was in January 2011. I gained a new perspective of salvation, faith in God, and the walk of Christianity.
Since then I paid keen interest in the service of God by pursuing youth workshops, Missions, and night vigils. I embraced leadership positions in the church and got involved in life-changing programs- teaching the young generation the way of the cross. By God’s enabling grace I was able to live the Word and observe His commandments, just as I had always been taught from my tender age.
In High School, I encountered a group of students who were rooted in the Word. We joined the Christian union where we championed Godliness and Integrity among fellow students. By the grace of God, I was exposed to leadership skills by leading various dockets in the Christian Union.
When I joined campus, about four years ago, finding the Christian Union was at the center of my heart. I knew fully that this was the best place one could pursue Godliness. I, therefore, joined without hesitation, for I yearned for a more intimate relationship with God.
Right in the CU, there were many programs facilitated by the CU leadership in close collaboration with the FOCUS Staff, which were so relevant in shaping and molding us in our desire to be rooted in God. I was taught all Christianity basics and was brought through trainings that deepened my knowledge of God. I thereafter undertook roles in the Discipleship docket to nurture and disciple fellow students and converts, teaching them principles of Christianity and growth in faith. I was considered to serve under discipleship docket, from where I had a burden and strong desire to see God be unveiled to and be encountered by this generation, especially the youth.
Joining STEM came in handy following my desire and intention to actively serve the society and the church, right after campus before embarking on personal pursuits. I was therefore deeply motivated to embrace this chance as the very best opportunity to fulfill my vision.
My aspiration to join STEM is to be used of the Lord to reach out to and transform the lives of many who are still in sin, or ignorant of the great gift of salvation. And that by God’s help, my service will impact lives, nurture authentic Christians, and contribute to the growth of the body of Christ. I also look forward to moments of growth and personal establishment in all aspects of Christianity; character, leadership development, capacity building, social, financial, and my walk of faith.
My prayer to students in my station, partners, and FOCUS is that a more intimate relationship with God will be encountered, that they will be graced in all aspects of their lives, and in their desire to support the ministry. For the more lives being transformed and impacted under their influence means an unlimited expansion of the fellowship.