My name is Peter Musembi, I have served in Chuka University Christian Union and other CUs in Chuka. I continually thank God for providing the opportunity to be in STEM. The most exciting bit has been the interactions with students in different forums.
I have appreciated the numerous opportunities to teach students the gospel and engage them in doctrinal teachings. My resource development journey has taught me that God is in control and unlimited in means. Naturing relationships and book reading have become easier for me during STEM. I have grown my skills in training, mentorship, counseling, homiletics, Bible exposition, resource development, and teamwork. I appreciate the need for faithfulness and stewardship in ministry.
I got the opportunity to work on an article titled “A Biblical Perspective On Personalities.” I enjoyed the extensive research on the place of our differences and uniqueness in the body of Christ. It is clearer now how to see people through the lens of the Scriptures and to conform to the image of Christ regardless of our profiles.
During STEM, I have been mentoring while being mentored. Many people contributed directly and indirectly to my growth. My team leader gave me a lot of advice and guidance that I greatly appreciate. Regional staff mates have been a great family, we learned a lot from each other. Special regards to associates who opened their homes and lives to us for mentorship. I am grateful for my partners, who have supported me in prayer and in finances.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Great testimony here bwana Peter, wishing you well in your next stage of life