The reality of a finalist
Many finalists grapple with the issue of uncertainty; where and how to settle after campus and securing a job so as to attain stability in life. It is never easy as testified by many and during my last semester, in 2017, I wondered whether I would give the same testimony. Did I have everything figured out? Perhaps, but then God had a totally different plan for me altogether. He called me to ministry. I joined the Short Term Experience in Ministry (STEM), internship program by FOCUS Kenya. I got to learn quite a lot through mentorship in STEM. I acquired, among many, Biblical Interpretation skills, sermon making, training skills and I experienced growth in my interpersonal and social skills. I as well discovered abilities that were seemingly hidden. My entire value system was changed. The STEM experience is one of a kind and I count myself the privilege to have gone through it.
Why ministry?
One of my convictions for joining ministry was the fact that I knew we are co-workers with God in His great mission of restoring humanity back to himself. Through Matthew 28:19, I learnt of this amazing assignment given to us by Christ and that He is with us till the end of age. This assured me of God’s presence as I ventured into His service.
Making the decision
It is a question of what would help one decide whether to join “full time ministry” such as FOCUS or serve God in the market place. Just like any other major decision in one’s life, it may not be a straight jacket process. Of course you need to have learnt the art of listening and hearing God. Eli was more familiar with God’s voice in comparison to Samuel, when he heard God for the first time (1 Samuel 3). As you prayerfully consider the invitation to join any ministry, there are critical questions to think about: Is this the direction God is leading you to? Is it just for our personal satisfaction and pride? Is it out of peer pressure or trying to impress someone? If there were other openings, would I still choose ministry? God alone can make things clearer. But also, consider mentorship from a mature Christian for more illumination on the area. We also need to question our motivation. I am reminded of the words of Hudson Taylor in a prayer he made after he got born again “Dear God please give me some work to do for you, as an outlet for my love”. It is on this evening as he fellowshipped with the Lord that he knew God had called him to China to be a missionary. He experienced this unmistakable awareness that convinced him that indeed it was his love for God that motivated him into missionary assignment.
The experience in STEM was very demanding. You are always in service of other people. Subjectively, I think if one is not careful about intentionally growing in their spiritual walk with the Lord, they can easily get drained. I thought simply because I was in a religious environment, automatically, I would grow spiritually. It was not the case. It requires a balance and intentionality.
We all are full time ministers
STEM is a one year program so my term ended on 28th of July 2018. It is almost a year now since convocation yet I still feel like a STEM staff. I get students calling for my attention invitations to speaking engagements. I still have a burden for the young people; to pray and walk with them. In my new environment, I feel burdened to let the word of God known to my colleagues. I have easily been spotted to still serve in FOCUS as an Associate through ministry engagements and other students. I am convinced that it neither matters where the serving place is nor does one need to be a full time minister. Market place evangelism has proven to be an area in ministry that all Christian workers need to embrace and act upon. I am persuaded that we can preach the gospel and actively serve God even outside the “full time” ministry arenas.
Conclusion Indeed, STEM was not just another year I had to live by so that I can move on with my life. It was an equipping session that I needed to go through to live out my life as a Christian. Exposure to the short-term missions, and ministry opportunities should help us carry out the mandate that Christ gave us all, effectively; to go make disciples.
Indeed ministry after campus is an inspiration that I desire
If only I may find a chance in FOCUS
Are you a finalist? Which College or Campus are you from?
I would like to get more directions om this ministry , I have been battling with this issue ,can I also join the ministry or not?
(from UoE)
Wau, I have loved reading this. What a challange! am forever grateful to the Ministry among campus students , am a great beneficiary, my passion for ministry was birthed through interaction with Focus staff while as a leader in campus. And I thank God that he used those interactions to place me right where He wanted me to be and now am joyfully serving among highschool students. To God be the glory.
Indeed this transform can only come from the Lord. I love how you love serving God.Never got to serve after campus in FOCUS, but oh i love the bibilical teachings they provide. but i still hold the hope that one day i will meet you or such a likened congregation of “STEMers”. God bless you.
i am a beneficiary of FOCUS for in mentorship i have benefited i have be en nurtured and grown holistically.
in the field of reaching to the unreached i have in campus life be nurtured.
all those who we encountered in the almost 4yrs .we are coworkers and we ought to celebrate whaat is happenning in the student workers life.