My name is Abigail Kilonzo, a STEM Staff at KMTC Msambweni, TUM Kwale Campus, and KMTC Portrietz Christian Unions.
Upon joining STEM, I was looking forward to a year of growth in my spiritual walk and in my service. Looking back, STEM has been a journey of transformation and personal growth. I have experienced this in my personal organization, public speakings, financial management skills and also my reading culture. My leadership has been shaped through interactions with students in the STEM house, training, and preaching engagements in the Christian Union. I have gained values such as faithfulness, integrity, and excellence in serving amongst the students. My heart was always moved with love for them, and I learnt to serve with love.
My prayer to the South Coast Students is that the Lord will continue sustaining them and that will bring a godly impact in the Campus and beyond, in the church, society, and in the nation at large. I am grateful to you all who partnered with me in the capacities that the Lord enabled you to, may the Lord richly bless you. My heartfelt gratitude goes to FOCUS Kenya for giving me an opponent to serve the students. May God bless FOCUS Kenya and it’s work amongst the students. Long live FOCUS Kenya.