Associate Membership

Associate membership shall only be open to individuals whose mission and objectives in life are in agreement with that of Fellowship of Christian Unions. Further, persons who are involved in FOCUS in the following ways:-

  • Consistent involvement in direct ministry to students for a period of not less than one year.
  • Consistent involvement in direct ministry to students for a period of not less than one year
  • Consistent Involvement in Associates' branch and chapter activities for a period of not less than one year.
  • Regular financial or in-kind support to FOCUS Ministry for atleast one year
  • Is part of the current Staff Team

Associate Membership Admission Process

One will be required to fill in a Membership Application Form. Their application will Vetted by branch officials, the Regional Coordinator and Senior Management. Following Approval by National Governing Council, a Notification will be made to the AGM and finally one will be Issued with a membership certificate/card

Associate Members Responsibilities

Participate in FOCUS activities either at the Associates Branch, the National level or both. Renew their membership annually or as determined by the NGC. Are expected to support FOCUS work financially.

Membership Rights and Obligations

Associate members shall be entitled to: Participate in all the activities of FOCUS. Shall be eligible to hold office. Shall be entitled to vote at FOCUS General Meetings. To inspect books of accounts of FOCUS. All Associate members shall be required to fulfill membership commitments and obligations as set out from time to time by the NGC and ratified by the AGM.

To send you Membership Fee via MPESA:

                       Paybill Number: 412412 Account Name: Membership:

                For Associates Membership: