David Wainaina
I am David Wainaina, the STEM Staff to KTTC and UoN lower Kabete Christian unions. I’m grateful to God for the privilege to serve amongst the students for the last year, a journey that has created a lifetime impact on me. When joining the program, I definitely knew that my leadership skills were going to
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Isaac Miriti
I am Isaac Miriti, the STEM staff in the Christian Unions at Nakuru town. When the call to join FOCUS came, I looked forward to growing in scripture engagement and improving my reading culture to be a relevant minister on campus. A deep desire for experience in peer mentorship and counseling was also in me.
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Abigail Kilonzo
My name is Abigail Kilonzo, a STEM Staff at KMTC Msambweni, TUM Kwale Campus, and KMTC Portrietz Christian Unions. Upon joining STEM, I was looking forward to a year of growth in my spiritual walk and in my service. Looking back, STEM has been a journey of transformation and personal growth. I have experienced this
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Simon Anzigare
My name is Simon Anzigare, I have been serving as a STEM staff in Pwani University, KMTC Kilifi, North Coast Medical College and Shanzu Teachers’ College. As the call to join the STEM program knocked, I had two major expectations; to serve God wholeheartedly and walk and fellowship with him daily. Some experiences that shaped
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Charles Etole
I am Etole Charles, serving as the STEM staff in Meru CUS. I had mixed reactions when I first joined STEM, happy about the privilege, and worried by how under-equipped I felt. The journey has been very transforming and clearly, God also calls the imperfect. It is in this program that I have learnt skills
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Ruth Nyamgero
My name is Ruth Nyamgero. I have been serving as a STEM Staff with Christian Unions in Nyeri, Mt. Kenya Region. In August 2019, I had so many expectations from wanting to get organized in all areas of my life and have a balance in my career/work, social life, and spiritual life. I also expected
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Shadrack Andibo
I am Shadrack Andibo, the STEM staff in Kakamega CUs. When I first received the news that I had been considered for the STEM program, I was both afraid and excited. Afraid because of the challenging task I imagined ahead of me but excited because I have been looking forward to full time ministry in
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Sheila Mwende
My name is Sheila Mwende, the STEM Staff for Maseno CU’s. I joined the STEM program first with the fear of meeting the seemingly high expectations. However, I expected growth as I had witnessed from my predecessors. The STEM journey has equipped me and helped me realize that I am in a lifetime of service
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Joseph Mbugua
My name is Joseph Mbugua. I have been the STEM staff with the University of Kabianga and Kabianga Kapkatet Campus Christian Unions. When joining STEM, I had great expectations for personal growth and development. In retrospection, I am amazed at the enormous transformation I have undergone. My mindset, attitudes, and perspectives concerning life have been
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Naomi Wekesa
Wekesa Naomi is my Name, a STEM Staff at UON Main and Chiromo Campuses. At the beginning of this journey, I had visualized the end product of STEM, knowing that my leadership skills would be sharpened. As much as COVID-19 interfered with some of my expectations, the Lord provided another way of accomplishing them through
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