Evalyne Wangari
My name is Evalyne Wangari. I studied at Moi University in 2014-2019, where I pursued a Degree in Education (English Lit with Guidance and counseling). I was formerly in Western Region- Kisii for STEM and by God’s grace currently in Southern Nairobi- Africa International University (AIU STEM Chaplaincy. I made a genuine decision to follow
- Published in STEM 2020/2021
Samuel Munyao
My name is Samuel Munyao, a University of Nairobi graduate. I pursued Bachelors’ of Science in Management of Agro-ecosystems and Environment under the department of land resource management and technology in the college of agriculture and veterinary sciences. I received salvation in 2011 in my high school days. I encountered the grace of God so
- Published in STEM 2020/2021
Kevin Birech
I am Kevin Birech, the STEM staff at UoN Kikuyu Campus and Presbyterian University of East Africa CUs. I joined STEM with a lot of expectations among them sharing the joy and the truth of the gospel by presenting it in the most exciting way possible. I desired to develop conversations and relationships as a
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Maureen Wangui
The thought of going to Norway had never crossed my mind and I had never desired to live abroad. When I started sensing the call to serve as a missionary in Norway coming, confusion set in my heart. In the midst of this anxiety I made a commitment to God that if He called me
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Esther Maina
The call to go for the exchange came at a point where I was so determined to go back to school for further studies. I did not want to just say yes because I knew it was not deemed to be an easy experience. Eventually, I said yes to a journey of faith, quite scared,
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Antony Mjomba
When the Safaricom’s mast at Saretho was brought down by a militia group and then followed by the killing of teachers at close proximity to my working station in Dadaab Refugee camp, it was an enigma to figure out my place in God’s Mission. My students (refugees), on the other hand, would scream and cry
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Sussylin Muturi
My name is Sussylin Muturi, serving as a STEM-CD (Short Term Experience in Ministry-Community Development) in Dadaab Refugee Camp which is located in Garissa county, hosting about 211,000 refugees from different countries including Somalia (makes up the highest group), South Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Congo, Burundi, and Eritrea. The complex is the third-largest in the world
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Neema Apondi
I am Neema Apondi. Serving as the STEM staff Kibabii Christian Unions. Talking about the one year experience is a testimony. From the beginning, it seemed so long a journey. It has however turned out to be a journey of the discovery of God’s hand at work, co-working with Christ Jesus, and learning to depend
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Andronicus Munyoki
My name is Andronicus Munyoki STEM Staff at the University of Nairobi Upper Kabete, AHITI, and K.N.P CUs. STEM has provided a good opportunity for me to share God’s word with and amongst Students. My high moments have been those spent with students in various activities, e.g. Evangelizing, bonding, retreats, sisters’ fellowships, missions, trainings, facilitation,
- Published in STEM 2019/2020
Odal Merceline
My name is Odal Merceline Akoth , I’m born again and Christ Jesus is Lord overall in my life.I take this great opportune moment to thank God for the great privilege he granted to me to serve as STEM Staff among the students in North Rift Region, Kitale C.Us; Moi University Eldoret West Campus Christian
- Published in STEM 2019/2020