My name is Cynthia Achieng Mwango, I studied a Diploma in Community Health Nursing at Kenya Medical Training College Msambweni campus.
My Salvation journey began in 2017 when I was a first-year student in Msambweni CU. During my first Friday in the fellowship, the preacher was speaking about condemnation and forgiveness, and I was convinced that the only way out of the condemnation is to be in Christ Jesus as stated in Romans 8:1. I, therefore, surrendered my life to Christ, and from that day, He gave me a new meaning of life. I have since been greatly been transformed, molded, and developed a lot through the Christian Union discipleship programs and some of the CU leaders who walked closely with me
It is through the Christian Union that learnt about FOCUS and met the staff on various occasions during the CU fellowships. God used the CU and the FOCUS staff to mentor and disciple me through Bible Studies, prayers, leadership trainings among others.
Though I was anxious after the call to join STEM, I had long since developed a passion for student ministry as I reflected on my own life and journey of discipleship and desired to walk with other students as I too found people to walk with me. I, therefore, accepted the invitation to serve among students after much prayer. I hope and pray that God will use me to give back to the students what I myself have received from Him, through mentorship, discipleship, and counseling among the many other ways He will guide me. I trust that God will continually work in me and transform, develop, and equip me to become more and more Christ-like. I pray that He will use me to shape and mentor students in His word for a brighter and godly society.
Please pray with me for the students I will be serving for God to guide, lead, protect, and use them for His honour and glory. Pray for salvation and for the restoration of those losing faith in Him. Pray that those without hope will find it in Christ and for those depressed and longing for peace and healing to be comforted in Christ. That God will be Lord over their lives. Pray that God will bring many partners alongside me to walk with me and support my ministry financially and for God’s blessing upon the lives, families, and wellbeing of those already committed to this task. Pray for all of us, the FOCUS Family, for God’s Grace and favor as we carry on the course of Christ among students in institutions of higher learning.