My name is Favour Wambui Njogu. I studied at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology where I pursued a Degree in Bachelors of Corporate Communication and Management. I grew up in a Christian home with my parents pastoring a church in Nairobi but I had not surrendered my life to Christ until 24th August 2014 during a youth seminar.
When I joined JKUAT in September 2016, I immediately joined the Christian Union and shortly after joined the Editorial and IT ministry. I was later appointed to the leadership committee to serve as Print Media head which included overseeing the designing and printing of posters for the union’s activities including the Christian Union Magazine. At the same time, I was also serving in my local church in the Sunday school ministry as a children’s minister for classes 4-6 for two years and in the Youth Ministry as the Vice Chairlady. I found a lot of satisfaction and joy in serving God in these two departments and experienced exponential growth in my faith.
I also served in the Christian Union Bible Study department as a Bible Study leader, then a Bible Study Coordinator, and as a Bible Study Secretary. These opportunities to give oversight to matters Scripture engagement in the CU helped me grow significantly in my faith in God not to mention the leadership skills that I gained in the process including, communication, management, delegation, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills.
The call to join FOCUS as a STEM staff caught me off-guard since I had already started strategizing my next step; applying for jobs and thereafter pursue further studies. However, after prayerful considerations, convictions, and counsel, I excitedly took up the opportunity without looking back and saw it as a golden gift God had given me to be transformed, molded, and be used to impact the lives of many other students.
My desire is to see God glorified in the lives of the students entrusted to me and to discover my role in God’s great agenda. I hope to gain essential life skills such as financial accountability, people management, discipleship, mentorship, planning and organization, time management among many others. I also look forward to also making new friendships with the students and other staff.
I would like to invite you to consider journeying with me in prayer, financially, and however, else the Lord enables you as I do ministry among students. God’s work is funded by God’s people and I am trusting God for ministry friends to stand with me as I raise part my ministry operational costs for ministry. The easiest way to be involved is to send your gift via M-PESA to Pay Bill No. 412412 (account is STEM Favour). May God meet all your needs and greatly encourage you.