My name is George Ngoima, I am a Christian. I completed my studies at the University of Nairobi where I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Statistics. My journey in the faith started when I was at the beginning of the second semester of my first year during one of the Sunday services in the Main Campus Christian Union. I was graciously discipled in the CU and helped to grow in Christian disciplines like Bible reading, prayers, and fellowship in the Christian Union where my faith was firmly grounded. My walk with God was refined through the enriching and powerful sermons, accountability from fellow students, and participation in sharing the gospel with others.
I knew FOCUS through the CU and had the opportunity to interact with the staff and to attend Commission and EZRA conferences, and leadership training sessions, which significantly influenced my life. When asked to consider serving in STEM, I was humbled to have the chance to participate in God’s mission to young believers. It has been very fulfilling to serve as a student by reaching others with the gospel and helping my friends to be grounded in the faith. My desire to grow in God’s word and to see it taught in clarity and authenticity has increased my desire to walk serve students who are vulnerable to false teachings. I pray that as I serve among students, I will also continually grow spiritually, that I will appreciate full-time Christian service, and be greatly equipped for transformation in the market place.
I pray that God will be with me in this journey, that all will go well despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, and to give me strength in the trying times. I more so pray that God will open the eyes of the students I will be serving to His Word that they may know Him and His saving Grace.
I humbly invite you to consider supporting my ministry among students as I aim at raising my ministry operation costs of Kshs. 22,000 per month. I am grateful for all who have committed to supporting me and walking with me financially. May the Lord bless you. I also pray that God will grant us all the FOCUS family, wisdom, strength, and guidance as we serve Him.