My name is Grace Kathure. Christ is Lord and Savior in my life. It is a great blessing to do life in the knowledge of my identity in the Lord. I grew up in a Christian family where I was introduced to salvation and faith. My curiosity to understand salvation, heaven and hell made my mother explain candidly what they all meant. The conviction of sin coupled with the terror of hell at such a young age, made me ask my mother to pray for my salvation. I however re-dedicated my life to God in High School with a clearer understanding of Salvation than the fear of hell. God provided me lots of resources to know Him in-depth and breadth through our high school Christian fellowship. God got me into places I hadn’t been before as far as intimacy and fellowship with Him are concerned. A strong foundation for my faith and Christian principles was laid in High School.
I studied a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Statistics at Chuka University. I enjoyed the course especially when I discovered God in it as I often pondered on what God says about economics and statistics and how I could serve him in this field. It is also true that there were times it got strenuous and hectic, times when my efforts weren’t commensurate with the results I got on my tests. But all in all, I learnt to trust in God and do my best. I served in various capacities at the Christian Union where I enjoyed the fellowship of fellow Christian students and where we inspired each other and reach out to fellow campus students to win them to Christ. All these have served to grow my faith and convictions in Christ and the CU became to me like sandpaper that served to polish my rough edges.
“Show us the works of God that we may do them,” the people told Jesus. “These are the works of God. That you believe the One He has sent,” Jesus replied. I share in the vision of FOCUS that true transformation is only through the gospel. It is the knowledge of Christ that gives life. But how then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? It is, therefore, a privilege for me to serve God and share the gospel among students through the FOCUS STEM Program. I am also aware that God will use this opportunity to mold and refine me while I serve Him.
I am trusting God for ministry partners to journey with me in prayer and financial support as I serve the students. I will be raising my ministry operational costs with a monthly target of Kshs. 22,000. Looking forward to your kind consideration on this great calling, to see students in institutions of higher learning reached with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and equipped for effective Christian living for the transformation of our society. May the Lord bless His work among students.