My name is Isaac Mwaura, a graduate of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology where I studied Procurement and contract management. I got saved in my second year of high school, during a weekend challenge. I was convicted of my sins – I lived a hypocritical life and I felt the need to surrender my life to Christ. Life didn’t change much but I continuously felt the need to strive for holiness, something that proved very hard. This is because I continued to struggle with the same sins I used to struggle with before. This continued till I finished high school and made me doubt if really I was born again.
Joining campus, was only two weeks and I found myself in the Christian Union and during one of the Anza Fyt (a discipleship program for first years) sessions, I rededicated my life to Christ. I was then enrolled in a nurturing and discipleship class where I got to interact with mature believers in the Christian Union and also the STEM staff at the time. Their support and passionate desire for me to grow to maturity as a believer was invaluable. It’s through these classes that I got to well understand Christianity and grew significantly in the knowledge of God. Since then, my passion for discipleship was birthed in me.
The Christian Union provided more avenues for growth such as fellowships and Bible study. This together with the conferences organized by FOCUS Kenya, like Ezra and Commission, really helped deepen my roots in Christ, shaped and sharpened my values and convictions concerning many things. I can confidently say that my life in campus has been a success because I was part of the Christian Union. I thank God for the opportunities I got to serve in the Christian Union at various levels, and finally as the CU chairperson. The task was huge for me but God through the guidance and mentorship of FOCUS staff as well as the leadership training platforms made my leadership journey quite manageable. The training sessions made me confident of God’s call in my life, to be authentic in my Christian life, and the need to be a values-based leader.
Receiving the call to join STEM (Short Term Experience in Ministry) was to me a great privilege as I knew it was yet another opportunity for personal development, and more so a chance to directly impact the lives of students as we walk together in discipleship. My desire during my term of service is that my life would be spent on the lives of students. To see them live Christ-glorifying lives pegged on God’s Word and in obedience to God’s will for their lives.
I am trusting God for Gospel hearted friends to journey with me in prayer and financial support as I serve the students. I will be raising my ministry operational costs with a monthly target of Kshs. 22,000. I am greatly thankful for friends that have been in support of this mission and continually pray for God’s abundant provision for every need. May the Lord bless His work among students and may He open more doors and avenues for ministry through FOCUS Kenya.
Isaac Mwaura is a dedicated and focused young man in my local church. As a youth leader incharge of prayer and intersession, he is a role model to many. My prayer for you is that the lord God will guide you and use you to serve his purpose in this generation.