I am James Omongo I have been serving with Kikuyu CUs for the past 8 months.
STEM has been a gift from God and a season of self-discovery which helped me in my personal growth. The program helped me in knowing God and understanding His will. I have grown in the exposition of scriptures and apologetics during this time.
FOCUS has modeled my character and helped me realize some new skills in my time of service. Public speaking was formerly a struggle for me but now I am more confident and at ease. I have also grown in personal organization, communication skills, teamwork, and budgeting skills. I intend to cultivate these skills and employ them in the places God takes me.
This journey was made refreshing by key supporters in my ministry. God has been good and faithful in the 8 months. My partners supported me financially, in prayers and mentorship, and were very instrumental to my growth. My teammates and team leader made my experience more enjoyable also. May God bless them richly.
As I engage my transition from the staff team, I praise the Lord for a successful period of service. I hope to find spaces for more accountability and mutual encouragement in the corporate world.