My name is Millicent Mutai, a graduate of Bachelor of Education Arts from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. As a little girl growing up I thought salvation meant being a good girl and going to church. Even in high school, I had not grasped well the meaning of salvation though I always found myself desiring to be in God’s presence. I believe God was continually drawing me closer to Himself.
When I joined the Christian Union at Masinde Muliro University, my understanding of salvation was revolutionized. I thank God for the team of students from the CU who were committed to ensuring that as many first-years join the fellowship during the orientation week. They introduced me to the CU during my admission to the campus where I found a heartwarming fellowship of fellow students. I felt home and eventually surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
I experienced great discipleship and Spiritual growth in the Christian Union. The Music ministry where I joined in the first year also became very instrumental in my growth with close friendships and prayer partners who kept me accountable. It is through the CU that I encountered FOCUS Kenya, a movement committed to seeing students living Christ-like lives for the glory of God. During, EZRA 2016, a FOCUS Kenya Discipleship Conference as a first-year, though I was among the last to register for the conference, God used the many speakers to teach me so much and I made a commitment to consistent bible reading (CBR) among others. FOCUS conferences thereafter became a must-attend for me and I have experienced much Spiritual growth through and through in my spiritual journey.
The call to join STEM came as a surprise and though I felt inadequate, I was motivated to know that God will continually equip me with whatever it takes for the task of ministry ahead, that His purpose for me and for the students I will be serving be accomplished. His promise to be with me till the end of the age gave me lots of peace.
We are living in a world of turmoil and confusion; many people are facing heart-wrenching issues. The youth and indeed students not been left behind, they have enough issues they grapple with that sometimes hinder them from seeing and experiencing God’s love for them. Most are lost like sheep without a shepherd. I believe through the opportunity to serve as a STEM Staff with FOCUS Kenya God is giving me an opportunity to be part of the workers in His vineyard and will sufficiently Grace me for the task. I desire to will grow in different areas of my life during this period especially in Spiritual disciplines, in sharing the gospel, leadership and mentorship, accountability, social skills, financial management, and others as God wills.
I pray that the students I will be serving will know Jesus as the only way, truth, and life in an age of pluralism and competing world views. I also pray that my partners will experience every spiritual blessing and increase in the knowledge of God as they walk with me through this ministry path.
much grace my sister
am delighted to read your wall
i will seek to pray and support you
am glad mmucu is well represented