My name is Moses Kuria Wahome. I studied at Karatina University for a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science.
Although I was raised in a Christian family and attended fellowships, I grew up without a full realization of salvation. I attended Sunday school throughout my early age, and in Kiamutugu Boys High school Christian Union I became the praise and worship leader.
On 27th October 2013, an invited preacher gave a sermon on God’s message to humanity. It changed my perception and finally brought a turnaround to my salvation journey.
Having attended church throughout my life for the warmth of brethren and to take part in church activities, I rethought my journey after this day that the Lord had spoken to me through his word in the book of Romans 10:9. I decided to commit my life to God for an intimate relationship with Him.
This was the start of my salvation journey, where I have from then purposely attended services, prayed, fasted, and served in the knowledge of God with the assurance of life after death.
I can testify that this journey has been great and full of inspiration, with the knowledge and confidence of an ever-present refuge in all my endeavors and strength in all my weaknesses. I will never change the decision to follow Him.
I joined the Christian Union during the orientation week, through a friend who was a CU member. He introduced me to the literature and media department where he was serving, where I also got a departmental orientation.
I experienced the warmth and the love of the brethren in the department. The zeal for the work of the Lord was amazing. CU programs and activities such as BEST-P, Discipleship class, Anza fit, Endelea fit, Vuka Fit, small bible study groups have contributed to my growth as a disciple. My Interaction with FOCUS staff has also led to tremendous growth in all aspects of my life as a student.
My conviction to Student ministry was triggered by an incredible session on FOCUS awareness that was led by the regional coordinator Mr. Japheth Rwoti, during an RSEC weekend in Kirinyaga University.
The words of the song “Reaching the students is my call, reaching students is my cry, reaching students is my course. Come and join me to reach students and change the world” got me into deep thoughts about the lives that need my attention, a word of hope and a warm embrace. The conviction was so strong that I committed to being part of the redemptive mission of the Lord as a STEM staff in FOCUS, having prior knowledge of how instrumental it is in reaching students.
Though at first, the conviction was so clear in my conscious I did not consider it until when I got approached. I felt the weight of the task and I had to critically and prayerfully consider. I eventually gathered enough strength to say yes to the call.
I am fully dedicating to the service of our Lord; I have surrendered to his will and purpose in my life. I have hope in the Lord, that He will use me to impact my life and the lives of the students through the work of the gospel. My goal is to be an instrumental member of the FOCUS team, use all available energy, and means in the realization of FOCUS goals.
My prayer is that the Lord will accept and use me as His vessel to bring a life of excellence in the lives of the students he will lead me to. I pray that the Lord will continue blessing and expand FOCUS as an organization and its staff for the work they are doing, that the labor and the fruits may always be clear in the eyes of all. I also pray for the partners that God will bless them in all dimensions as they support the ministry.
It is my prayer that the Lord will create a friendly environment to reach out to students in these uncertain times.
To God be all the glory as we set our hope fully unto the grace that is to be brought to us when Jesus Christ will be revealed at His Coming.
Talk of Jesus Christ and His doings is the sweetest song ever, to all FOCUS staffs may our good Lord grace you with His grace and be with you all the way long🙏
Talk of Jesus Christ and His doings is the sweetest song ever, to all FOCUS staffs may our good Lord grace you with His grace and be with you all the way long🙏
This is truly great.. It’s the doing of the LORD in your life.. I’m proud of you and as you continue to serve may God use you as His noble vessel to reach and change many lives and may He give you more Grace.. You are blessed @Moses Kuria
@Moses Kuria you’re equal to the task. May the Lord always fill your words of hope, and may he use in such a great way. May it be in southern Nairobi region that there is God. Wish you well my brother.
Moses, from Karatina we are always grateful for how you led them that were before us, the foundation. Till date, I ask the Lord that he may continue shining his paths to you, to be impact and bear fruits in every place you are. Blessings brother.