Looking back at my past, I remember several people that God used to shine light to me about sexual purity. My dad was the first to share insight about sexual immorality. I also had a circle of Christian girls in high school with whom we prayed for God’s preservation in purity. We used to share white sealed envelopes as a symbolic of a promise to ‘keep it sealed’ till marriage. As a young believer, I fervently prayed and resolved to abstain from sex until I get married, so that I would glorify God and have a testimony to share with others.
The journey of pursuing sexual purity was not all smooth. I found myself emotionally entangled as a 1st year in campus. Though I was zealous and enthusiastic about my Lord who died for me, the desires of the flesh had their share on me and I fell into the snare of ungodly hugs (those that arouse sexual desires). I share this with the conviction that Biblical sexual purity begins with the state of our hearts, minds and gradually our bodies. Thank God for the godly friends that blew the trumpet warning to my ears and helped me to refocus and keep on the narrow path.
I appreciate several things from my experience. First, that my dad was courageous enough to speak such solid truth to a class 8 naïve girl. Secondly, for friendships that were an integral part of my life- not just concerning sexual purity. Also importantly, ensuring that we keep going back to God for forgiveness of our sin and refocusing of our hearts. I know now that every resolve done for God’s glory has His everlasting arms beneath it, to bring it to safe harbors.
This may not be the case for everyone else. Sexual perversions have become so prevalent and normalized everywhere else. The media advocates for this in innumerable ways, sometimes in very subtle ways like advertisements and even children cartoons. The erosion of morals and values has been a speedy process. God have mercy! The believer must have an alert spiritual antennae that Peter talks about in first Pet 5:8, to discern such sneaking. The biblical truth must be affirmed even in the darkest parts where sin flourishes.
In light of the popular culture today, the Bible calls us to rise above the waves by not conforming to the pattern of the world. And perhaps the greatest question is HOW? Over the years, Joseph has remained to be one of the exemplary references of a youngster/teenager who resolved to honor God with his sexuality even when the environment would be described to have been ‘conducive/favorable’. His father knew nothing about his whereabouts, his brothers bothered less about his well-being and having been enticed by Potiphar’s wife (sugar mummy of our times), would have sounded like a highlight. However, Joseph knew that he had a God to honor and please even in a foreign land. Gen 39:9b “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? The Psalmist also helps us to appreciate that it only in hiding God’s Word in our hearts that will keep us from sinning against God. Psalms 119:9-11.
The unchanging word of God does not lose relevance regardless of the deceptions all around us. Here are some of the deep truths about chastity from scripture :
- Sex and sexuality are gifts from God; it is He who created both man and woman (male and female) in His image and likeness. Gen 1:27. This gift was only intended to be enjoyed in the context of marriage. Gen 2:22-25. Vs.25 “and they were both naked, the man and his wife and were not ashamed.”
- Sex practiced outside this context (either fornication-sex before marriage-or adultery-sex outside marriage- or and other perversion) is detestable to God and only attracts the out-pouring of God’s wrath. Rom 1:26-32 2:5
- Sexual sin is sin committed against oneself. 1st Cor 6:18
- My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I ought to keep it pure and glorify God in it. 1st Cor 6:19-20
- Rom 12:2 “And do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
In conclusion, the rewards of Chastity are worth the effort. To the Christian who keeps him/herself from being entangled in covenants that are ungodly will not be overwhelmed by its shame, guilt and consequences. To the spouses with whom trust in marriage is built and a foundation for a godly influence to the generations after. As Christ’s Ambassador, we glorify God by keeping pure. Sexual purity gives us the moral authority to witness to others and light the way for those who come behind us.
Would you like to commit yourself to honor God by staying pure? Would you like to commit in accountability with a mature friend, pointing each other back to the truth? You can sign your commitment on the link below as a reminder of your commitment to God and yourself.