History shows that the ways of man are wicked and the heart continues to devise new ways of sinning. A survey of the old testament will show you the warped nature of man. Idolatry quickly replaced the worship of Yahweh shortly after a miraculous deliverance from Egypt. Sodom and Gomorrah is a clear demonstration of how far men can exercise wickedness.
Today, the wicked are not only bold in their actions but also call out for recognition. The LGBTQ community, for example, endeavors to be recognized by the world. Some in this community have sought help, while others suffer in silence for fear of stigmatization. Today, we appreciate the fact that there those that are coming out and confessing and seeking the necessary support system. However, a big percentage is seeking to normalize their behavior. They want everyone else to believe in their agenda to normalize what “God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves…” Romans 1:24.
A number of media influencers are using new media as well as mainstream media to promote ‘promiscuity’ and indecency. All these in a bid to promote fashion trends and the ‘new normal.’ Efforts to bring some sanity and regulate the media content has earned the KFCB chairperson names. It has been alleged that his efforts and those of the board violate human rights; the freedom of expression. But is it freedom of expression really?
The world has conspired against morals and ganged against chastity
The world’s agenda is to normalize what is wicked. However, the righteous should endeavor to preach and promote what is right; chastity. The righteous should not give up the fight no matter how difficult it is. This is not an easy affair, but if it is not done, the world will dictate the narrative. That is why we must talk about chastity.
As the righteous shout, they need to take into consideration four things.
Firstly, the righteousness they have is not “that which comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.” (Philippians 3:9) Because God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthian 5:21) As such one cannot boast but in humility call out to those perishing. We call them to the righteousness of God so that they can be saved.
Secondly, we need to acknowledge that unless someone points out the sin of those perishing, they may never lose their candidature for hell. Paul logically presents this argument by raising important questions. He asks “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:14. One may ask, why single out chastity among many sins possible for any sinner. Why can’t we just preach the Gospel and people would turn away from sin. The Gospel liberates the enslaved. Sexual sin is one of the chains that enslave people. Singling out among many chains is like the radio rays that are directed to specific cancerous cells. By doing so, the therapist focuses on the affected areas even though the patient might have other ailments. There come such times in preaching the gospel. And such are like this week when FOCUS Kenya is running a chastity campaign with an aim of raising awareness on the need to pursue sexual purity amidst the dissenting voices.
Thirdly, the righteous need to appreciate their own fallen nature and the continued need to rely on the grace of God for triumph. Acknowledging that one is a sinner saved by the grace of God and calls out other sinners. This one therefore should not sit on the judgment seat which only God should occupy. Therefore, we should not condemn those that we are calling out of sexual immorality but through love invite them to liberation through the grace of God.
Finally, upon acknowledging their fragility, they, too, need support from the body of believers. As they seek to support others, accountability is key. A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity. (Proverbs 24:16-18)
In 2016, FOCUS launched the Chastity Campaign dubbed #MwiliWanguMaliyaMungu which involved a study Guide on Sexuality “Pursuing Sexual Purity” (available at the FOCUS Bookstall). Among the activities then was the Chastity walk on 16th February 2016, held across the country by Christian Unions. These events culminated on a day set apart when participants prayerfully signed purity pledge cards. While the cards just like any other symbolic figures such as wedding rings, didn’t have any magic or spiritual powers to keep anyone pure, they act and continue to act as reminders to the commitment made by individuals. Besides, the reminder, individuals had an opportunity to choose accountability partners who are a critical support system in the pursuit of sexual purity. FOCUS continues to facilitate this campaign every month of February since then. May as many who are seeking help find the support they need now and even in the future. Should you want to make the commitment for sexual purity, you can visit http://focuskenya.org/chastity
In conclusion, believers need not shy from talking about chastity. This will not only reach the lost but also encourage those pursuing purity and encounter daily struggles. It is by God’s grace that we snatch some from the fire while there is still time. We should not forget that we are equally weak and need to continually look up to God to help us in the journey of seeking sexual purity.
It’s has been such a wonderful week of Chastity. I also conquer to bound the Chariot to be part and parcel of maintaining and campaigning towards purity. SHALLOM.
Happy Valentine’s day to all by remember sex is sacred,it is a sin that affects the body.realize that your body is a temple of hot spirit,who lives in you
Yes it has been a good talk in the work I appreciate let that continue so that can help Christian keep the temples of Holy spirit pure.
God bless the focus Kenya and more grace be upon us all
nice article
It’s worth it to be chaste