An Unconventional Labour Day! | Patience Mutie
Friday, 01 May 2020
by FOCUS Kenya
No Gathering at Uhuru Park Today is the 1st of May. In normal circumstances, workers, members and officials of trade unions would be drifting in their numbers towards Uhuru Park for International Labour Day celebrations. Under the scorching sun, they would listen to speeches from those that call the shots in the labor union circles
- Published in COVID19
Ministering to a Sick World | Jacob Kinyua
Friday, 03 April 2020
by FOCUS Kenya
The outbreak of Coronavirus that is rapidly spreading all over the world has worried many. Most people on earth today have never faced such an existential threat as they are now, hence panicking. To make matters worse we are not sure to what extent the disease will spread both locally and globally or even when
- Published in COVID19, Integral Missions